Shopfitting Health & Safety

Gosh, we spend lots of time telling you how to display your merchandise to maximum effect, how to put shelving and slatwall up, and even what to put where but until now we’ve neglected a very important area to consider, Health and Safety.

Anyone with a business should know about the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) and if you don’t, you can find lots of information here

As we regularly carry out shopfitting works nationwide, Health and Safety is right at the top of our list when compiling a job sheet.  You can be assured that we carry out risk assessments before and during each fit and our staff are fully trained in the machinery they use.  They wear protective footwear and even hard hats if required.  Mind you, the boss looks rather funny in a yellow hard hat!

When we plan and design your store, we also consider public safety both during and after the fit.  As time passes you may find that you need to tweak your shelving, shuffle it round a bit and even add to it.  When you do this, bear in mind the safety of your customers.  Don’t skip the task of making your shelving level, don’t stack your display so full that object hangs off the edge and make sure there are no sharp corners that could injure the public or your staff.

My own particular pet hate is mats! I go into so many stores who have mats on the floor which when cared for properly are great but many are tatty, wrinkled and I have lost count of the number of times I trip over them!

An untidy, unsafe environment will make your customers vote with their feet even if it means they pay a little more for their wares elsewhere, so keep a clean and safe shop, create eye catching displays and if you have to have mats, keep them in order!

We offer a full range of top quality Display Units, Shop Shelving, Retail equipment, Slatwall panels & accessories, as well as Bespoke displays and counters. We can provide you with customised sizes and finishes. Give us a call on Free phone 0800 587 5880 or visit

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