Improving your store’s checkout experience

Arguably, your store’s checkout is the most important feature in your shop. It’s the point of sale, but it’s also one of the most powerful points of opportunity in your store to encourage extra sales and potential exposure from your shoppers.

So many stores will focus on in-store displays, constantly adjusting them to optimise sales. But, simultaneously will fail to update and improve their checkouts. There are several ways in which these can be improved, so there’s no excuse for such neglect.

Your store checkout experience

Capitalise on Impulsivity

In-queue merchandising is a tried and tested tool for retailers. Reserve space around your checkouts for mini displays full of items that shoppers can quickly add to their baskets at the last minute. Due to increased custom, the queueing duration is likely to increase leading to more attention to these products.

Be Creative

Well-designed and creative displays will always have an impact on customers. This has been proven time and time again with retail displays making statements and being shared across social media, such as our recent pop-up event retail display for Amber Gill’s London boutique that was entirely pink!

The same goes for your checkouts. Try to turn your checkouts into a focal point of the shop, not just a necessary means to an end. Use lighting to bring attention to your checkouts, whilst also making sure that they’re aesthetically pleasing; this way you can match functionality with touches of beauty.

Brand Awareness

The checkout is typically the final place your customers go to in the shop before they leave, therefore this will be the final impression they get of your brand. Consequently, this is a prime opportunity to connect and engage with shoppers, tell your story and give them something to remember you by.

Turn Your Customers into Ambassadors

Social media is a powerful tool and one which should be taken very seriously. At the checkouts, place social media business cards that encourage shoppers to share their experience on social media. Some go one step further in offering a reward for these shares but don’t feel like this is a necessity.

Upgrade Your Counter

The counter in which your POS sits upon is equally as important. It is now possible to get bespoke joinery for shop counters and this should be taken advantage of. Factors such as height and colour can both play a big part in the shopping experience. The counter is also another opportunity to convey your brand’s personality, so if you’re currently using a plain stand with no life to it, it’s time for a change.

Update your POS

If you’re yet to upgrade your POS and you’re still using clunky machinery, then it’s time to explore newer options. Not only do modern POS systems look better, but they also function better too, meaning that the customer’s experience is going to be faster and more enjoyable.

Here at Crown Display, we recognise that shop counters are more than just a place of transaction, they are so much more. Most of our shop display counters are 920mm high and this is by no coincidence, we know how true ‘eyeline is buy line’ is when it comes to sales and we’ve optimised our counters with this in mind.

Offering handmade shop display counters so we can accommodate your specific shop needs, we pride ourselves in providing counters that are never flat packed and that are always of the highest quality. Give our team of experts a call on 0800 587 5880 if you’d like help finding the perfect counters for your store.

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